Thursday 14 April 2011

Images For My Music Magazine Cover, Contents Page & Double Page Spread

For my music magazine front cover, contents page and double page spread that I designed I had to take many pictures. For this I went to a friends house and made sure I dressed them to the standards of a GRIME genre style of clothing, this is because my music magazine I chose to do was going to be about Grime. I took lots of images, but out of them all I only used 4, this was because most of them wasn't the best of quality or the camera angles didn't look good on my designs. 

Below are all of the images that I took and used or didn't use:

This image was used on my Double page spread is the masthead was named as "Kay's time is now" and he is looking at his watch which is iconic.

This image was used on the front cover for my magazines page, it was a relevant image as it has been taken at a very good angle, shot and shows a lot into the grime scene with the finger gestures.

This image was used for my Contents page, it is a simple and good angled photo and doesn't look as much as the others so I picked this to be for my contents page.

As you can see above is all of the 10 images that I had taken and only 3 so far have been chosen to be on my pages that I designed.

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